Our lives are stories waiting to be told

Let Diane Bloom, Ph.D., award-winning documentary filmmaker who is fascinated by people and their stories, help you share YOUR life story or the story of someone who is near and dear to you! Contact Diane to learn more: 919-201-9975 or bloom.diane@gmail.com. To view clips from Diane’s documentaries, click here.

Your customized documentary will:

  • Capture your most inspiring and fascinating stories on film as a gift to yourself, your children, your grandchildren or other special people in your life.
  • Preserve important family history to pass along from generation to generation.
  • Allow you to share your philosophy and wisdom.
  • Let future generations meet you and hear you tell in your own words what your life and times were like.
  • Incorporate your favorite photos or music.

movie clip boardCapture Your Life’s Moments

Diane can also create short films for special events, or film family and friends at reunions or other celebrations.

Contact Diane about your life story!

The Filmmaker:

Headshot of Diane BloomDiane Bloom is an independent documentary filmmaker and focus group moderator who is nationally recognized for her in-depth interviewing skills. She has produced and directed numerous documentaries, including the acclaimed An Unlikely Friendship, which played in 26 film festivals, won five national awards and aired on National Public Television. Diane is fascinated by people and their stories, as is her son, who is a TV reporter in San Francisco. She has hosted a radio talk show and a cable television show on local issues in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, where she lives with her husband.

What people are saying:

“I commissioned Diane to make a personalized documentary of my parents. The first time I watched it, I was very touched by it. Some parts were poignant while other parts were laugh-out-loud-funny. I learned things about them I had never known.”

— Susan Schwarcz,
Chapel Hill, NC

“A personal documentary is a great idea, because even my grown children don’t know who I really am. They know me only as a parent, but I want them to know other dimensions as well.”

— Cheryl Lindhome,
Olean, NY

“I wish today’s technology had been available earlier. I would love to have heard my great-grandparents talking and to have seen them going about their daily lives. As it is, I know their names but very little else. A film like this would have made them come to life for me.”

— Pam Drake,
Chapel Hill, NC

“Diane created a Life Story production for my husband and me. Our story was beautifully told. We enjoyed the interview process, and the film showed us just like we hoped it would. It is an honest sharing of memories and experiences and is just the kind of keepsake we wanted for our children and grandchildren.”

— Elaine Kolodny,
Boca Raton, FL